I started this page before Social Media, So here are some updates:

I started this page before Instagram, Facebook was still relatively new to the general public, and Myspace was on its way out. Its crazy to think about that. I keep the page around so new people when they google MelissaDrifts, they find me here and it shows the longevity that I’ve been in this. But with Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook…etc, its a literal full time job to keep up with everything and find the balance of just ‘being’.

So much has been going on over the past 11 months since I posted an update here last. One of the biggest things I’m so proud of, is the growth of the Ladies Drift Day events/clinics. Not just the ones we were putting on in Colorado, but across the US, the ladies in the drift community are really pushing to make things so inclusive and expand.

I started a little bodyshop this past year, learning the balance of trying to make it to events, getting jobs in, working on them to make money, trying to take care of people while still keeping my lights on at the shop with raising rent has been a challenge!

Updates on the cars:

Tesla: with nearly one year of ownership, I will say-done buy one if you don’t have an at home charger. Buying the at home charger was a game changer. For the first few months I was always at Superchargers for like 30 minutes every couple days. while it was nice to have ‘alone’ time and watch some Netflix, It definitely was more convenient to just throw the car on the home charger overnight and have a ‘full tank’ in the morning.

350Z: we did a little shakedown at CAMS in Oklahoma, I noticed the car was getting hot after a few runs, I would even drive it around and it would take a considerable amount of time to get it cooler again. Thinking it could be the thermostat, we replaced that, then took the car to USAIR, it was like 35 degrees, and on my second lap-i got hot again. Long story short, we now ordered fan motors and will be replacing those this weekend. *fingers crossed*. To see the CAMS shakedown day see video below

370Z: Chris hit a wall of tires with the back end at CAMS, I plastic welded and bodyworked it back together-because Nismo bumpers are expensive! He took it to USAIR and just killed it, unlimited laps all day on one pair of rear tires-crazyyy. See the Video below for the USAIR experience we had.

300zx: I started a build video series on YouTube. I’m going with the Twin rear Widebody and ’99 front. The reason I’m not going Twinz on the front is because they don’t sell the kit separate. You can buy the rear-which I did, but I didn’t realize you couldn’t buy the front separate. I couldn’t afford the complete kit at once, so I figured I would piece it together. Don’t do what I did. I’m sure it will still look awesome, but I really wanted to be wide all the way around but I didn’t want to have to re buy the rear to have the full kit. Below is the first video in the series-give it a watch if you want to see the rebirth of the Z32.

Thanks for reading, please subscribe on Youtube. I appreciate yall.


Yes, I still have my Z’s. But while I wait for the new Z to come out, I got antsy for a daily that wasn’t my F250 (diesel). And I really grew to like the Tesla. Knowing the Model S and Model X were completely out of budget, I went with a Model 3. It’s nice to be in a smaller car again.


1) If you know someone with a Tesla, they can send you a referral link-I didn’t know this before, so I’m telling you now. That refferall link will give you up to $1000 off your purchase and it helps the person who referred you receive ‘Credits’ for there ‘Loot Box’ which is basically money off of Tesla Products. (If you don’t know anyone with a Tesla, feel free to use my code! https://www.tesla.com/referral/melissa358964

2) Purchase a Tesla that’s already in their inventory. the inventory cars are discounted a few thousand dollars. I wanted a black one with white interior…but the ‘in stock’ cars that were discounted didn’t have exactly what I wanted at the time so I bought the white on white…which is still beautiful. As financing was going through I still was checking their inventory daily-and it changed daily… my black on white one became available-it was too late for me to change as financing was locked on the white on white. Basically, what I’m saying is-if the color combo in inventory isn’t there, wait a few days and it may become available and you can save money rather than custom ordering and having to wait a month or two.

3) Right now there is a $7500 tax credit. you won’t get it right away, but if you put that towards your loan, its a huge chunk to pay off the vehicle. There are exclusions based off of income. See link for more details: https://www.tesla.com/support/incentives#new-vehicles

FINANCIALS: I won’t gatekeep my financials on this. The car listed for $41,240, but because it was a car in their inventory, it was discounted to $38,970. I put $4500 down as recommended in the Tesla app. If I put that $7500 tax credit towards the loan, I will only owe $26,970 on a $40k car after 6 months of ownership.

TAXES: Something I didn’t check into was taxes on the vehicle. In the state of Texas, Tesla can NOT charge tax on the vehicle. That gets charged at the time of registration when you go to the DMV/Tax office. So be prepared to pay 6.25% of the vehicles purchase price when you go in for your plates.

PURCHASE AN AT HOME CHARGER: I purchased my charger after the fact. I just figured I would go to my local Bucees and charge the car when needed. While it is relaxing to sit back, watch Netflix and eat snacks, It’s not realistic to do every few days. It only takes about 25 minutes to charge to 80% which is enough, (charging from 80% to 100% takes a bit longer) it gets old quickly.


*I obviously didn’t buy a Tesla because I’m a tree hugging save the earth type. I bought it because of the technology (I can be driven to work), quick acceleration, and the new Z wasn’t out yet for me to be able to buy. In Texas at least, I’ll be sitting at a charging station with my fellow teslas, and dudes in diesels will ‘roll coal’ on us. I want to make a video about this to let them know I also have a diesel and 3 cars without catalytic converters and to stop rolling coal-it shows off their little pp’s. (can you tell this frustrates me the most?)

*People also assume you have money. I did this cheaply and have racecars to pay for. So when I called around to see how much things like window tint would cost-it was astronomical. I ended up going to a shop I had gone to before in McKinney called Pro Window Tinting. Pepe owns and operates and his wife comes in sometimes to get phone calls and emails. They teach you on the different levels of tint and ceramic vs non ceramic, and offer reasonable prices.

TINT ALL THE WINDOWS: -Even the windshield. Before any other modifications, tint everything. There is a lot of glass and in the summer it’s like a freaking sauna in there. You will save on your battery power by using the AC less. (get the ceramic tint to Block out UV’s).

I bought the car on a Tuesday and by Thursday we were driving it from Texas to Wyoming.

When you put your destination into the GPS, it automatically calculates where the charging stations are along the way and how long to stay at each one to complete your trip in the most efficient way. From the Dallas area to Denver we stopped at 5 charging stations… charging anxiety is real and I didn’t like to go under 20% charge. Each stop was about 20-30 minutes and consisted of lunch/dinners, rest stops with shops, or the hotels themselves having charging parking spots.

What about PIKES PEAK?

On the way back from Wyoming we stopped at Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs. I had like 40% charge at the base of the mountain and wasn’t sure if that was enough so we charged to about 80% and continued up the mountain… 40% would’ve been enough if your wondering, I’ll get to why in a sec.

This is when I started documenting mileage, This wasn’t at the base of the mountain, but it was before the ‘official’ entrance to Pikes Peak. I had 155 miles remaining.

When we neared the top there was 130 miles remaining. This would be the lowest mileage I would have on the rest of the journey.

These photos are just to show just how beautiful mid June at the top of Pikes Peak is. Such a nice break from the 114 degree heat index we would be returning to in Texas.

By the time we got the the VERY bottom of the mountain, the regenerative braking had replenished all the miles we used on the way up, plus gave me an extra 5 miles. I was super impressed-remember, at the start of the mountain we were at 155 miles?

The other cool thing, when you’re at a mid point on the way down the mountain they have a break check… people ride their brakes on the way down and they get really hot and eventually brake fade becomes no brakes, hence this safety check point. With a Tesla, they don’t check because of this regenerative braking, your brakes will not get hot.


I saw a lot of Teslas going up and down the mountain, almost as many as Subarus! (Colorado Joke). As far as the road trip in general- I would certainly do it again, your mindset has to be different though. Enjoy the journey, pick a show on Netflix or whatever streaming service you use, and expect it to take just a scouch longer-but you will be just as happy and less fatigued when you get to your destination since the car can do most of the driving for you.

The only bad thing that happened to the car on the trip was a rock hit the windshield, I have the Tesla Insurance because it was significantly cheaper than my regular car insurance. Tesla gave me a $1000 deductible, I didn’t know this until I tried to file a glass claim. They had discounted the new glass with install for $770.00. So that’s going to have to wait a bit.

5 Hours in LA.

Call me crazy, but when you get an invite from Sean Lee to see the new Z in Los Angeles, with a cap on how many people can be in there at the same time. (COVID precautions), you go and spend some quality time with your new love 💕. The Z of course.

That Friday morning, woke up, drove to the airport, got picked up by a friend (Tyler Gray), grab lunch, and see the Z. Since my light was at 5, we had to leave the Z event a tad early so I could make it back on my flight back to Dallas. Take a peak at my weird video below that I threw together to document the day!

Video and photos by Melissa Miller

SkidZ Raceshop Drift Event @ZCON

The SkidZ drift event and Z reveal at ZCON was a blast! Nothing broke on or off track except my wallet with all the tires I went through! I really want to thank everyone that did a paid ride along or bought a cup or shirt, that helps so much with being able to go out to these events and put on a show!

Please take a moment to watch the video that Momentum Media put together for the drift event/real life Z reveal!

The New Nissan Z

The amount of build up for the new Z is absolutely crazy. Last year when the Proto Z was announced during ZCON 2020, I think every enthusiast was watching the reveal live on YouTube. I couldn’t have been the only one that was so happy they were on the verge of tears 😂 So when ZCON was coming around this year I knew I would have to go, especially since Nissan was making another announcement about the Z…and hoping it would show up. Well… it did! Here are a few photos…. I’m going to need one in white. Stat.

ZCON Thursday

Thursday started a bit hung over and late with another Starbucks…just call me basic. We met up with Tyler and Steph with the Q50, and got some Mexican food for lunch. After lunch we all took a dip in the pool trying to catch a tan. At about 4:30 Eric with Momentum Media and I went back to pikes peak to try and get some more rolling shots and photos with different lighting. I don’t have all the photos yet, but the ones that are finished are below… and damn.

ZCON Wednesday

Wednesday started with a Starbucks at the hotel lobby. We met up with a few friends we’ve been hanging out with since the pikes peak run the day before and wanted to get lunch and a photo shoot in. The first spot I found on Yelp lead us nowhere, called the number and they were also closed for the rest of the year… who knew? So I quickly googled ‘pretty scenery restaurants in Colorado Springs’ and the third one that came up had the best photos of their views, it was called ‘The Grand View Dining Room at the Garden of the Gods’ we didn’t realize it was such a nice restaurant/club, so, a little underdressed we all really enjoyed a really good meal and some beautiful views.

After lunch we hung out at the host hotel for a bit and caught up on some social media things, photo things, etc. We decided to go back to Garden of the Gods where we all did some filming for the ZCON video that I’ll be posting once it’s done… but trust, it’s going to be killer.

After watching the sunset we went back to the host hotel where we had dinner and drinks, cruised to the bar where everyone seemed to be hanging out, then off to the second floor were there’s a larger room where people in ZCON can hang out, drink, play cards, and chat. Such a fun night.

📸 by Momentum Media

ZCON Tuesday

My first day at ZCON 2021 was awesome! We started at Pikes Peak with a group of about ten cars per run group. We were told not to do over 30 mph, which is understandable, the speed limit on the mountain is 30mph and the hair pins are intense and banked. We started filming for my ZCON video with our run group… the footage sneak peaks I’ve seen are absolutely killer.

Once we got back from Pikes Peak, there was a Suds and Shine area at the host hotel. Basically an area with a car wash station to clean off all the dust your car accumulated up and down the mountain. It’s also a place where everyone can see each other and chat and hang out.

From the Suds and Shine we left for the Opening Ceremonies and the Z Reveal Party! The scenery was absolutely gorgeous there, and the venue was beautiful. It was an awesome feeling being literally surrounded by other Z enthusiasts while watching the new Z being revealed via YouTube. I almost had a ‘I’m not crying, your crying moment. If you missed it heres a link:

Link To Nissan Z Reveal

Z Things And Stuff