Tag Archives: life-update

I started this page before Social Media, So here are some updates:

I started this page before Instagram, Facebook was still relatively new to the general public, and Myspace was on its way out. Its crazy to think about that. I keep the page around so new people when they google MelissaDrifts, they find me here and it shows the longevity that I’ve been in this. But with Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook…etc, its a literal full time job to keep up with everything and find the balance of just ‘being’.

So much has been going on over the past 11 months since I posted an update here last. One of the biggest things I’m so proud of, is the growth of the Ladies Drift Day events/clinics. Not just the ones we were putting on in Colorado, but across the US, the ladies in the drift community are really pushing to make things so inclusive and expand.

I started a little bodyshop this past year, learning the balance of trying to make it to events, getting jobs in, working on them to make money, trying to take care of people while still keeping my lights on at the shop with raising rent has been a challenge!

Updates on the cars:

Tesla: with nearly one year of ownership, I will say-done buy one if you don’t have an at home charger. Buying the at home charger was a game changer. For the first few months I was always at Superchargers for like 30 minutes every couple days. while it was nice to have ‘alone’ time and watch some Netflix, It definitely was more convenient to just throw the car on the home charger overnight and have a ‘full tank’ in the morning.

350Z: we did a little shakedown at CAMS in Oklahoma, I noticed the car was getting hot after a few runs, I would even drive it around and it would take a considerable amount of time to get it cooler again. Thinking it could be the thermostat, we replaced that, then took the car to USAIR, it was like 35 degrees, and on my second lap-i got hot again. Long story short, we now ordered fan motors and will be replacing those this weekend. *fingers crossed*. To see the CAMS shakedown day see video below

370Z: Chris hit a wall of tires with the back end at CAMS, I plastic welded and bodyworked it back together-because Nismo bumpers are expensive! He took it to USAIR and just killed it, unlimited laps all day on one pair of rear tires-crazyyy. See the Video below for the USAIR experience we had.

300zx: I started a build video series on YouTube. I’m going with the Twin rear Widebody and ’99 front. The reason I’m not going Twinz on the front is because they don’t sell the kit separate. You can buy the rear-which I did, but I didn’t realize you couldn’t buy the front separate. I couldn’t afford the complete kit at once, so I figured I would piece it together. Don’t do what I did. I’m sure it will still look awesome, but I really wanted to be wide all the way around but I didn’t want to have to re buy the rear to have the full kit. Below is the first video in the series-give it a watch if you want to see the rebirth of the Z32.

Thanks for reading, please subscribe on Youtube. I appreciate yall.